Aphelandra squarrosa - Zebra Plant
Aphelandra squarrosa - Zebra Plant Root&
Aphelandra squarrosa - Zebra Plant Root&
Aphelandra squarrosa - Zebra Plant Root&
Aphelandra squarrosa - Zebra Plant Root&
Aphelandra squarrosa - Zebra Plant Root&
Aphelandra squarrosa - Zebra Plant Root&
Aphelandra squarrosa - Zebra Plant Root&
Aphelandra squarrosa - Zebra Plant
Aphelandra squarrosa - Zebra Plant
Aphelandra squarrosa - Zebra Plant

Aphelandra squarrosa - Zebra Plant

正常价格 $29.00

Aphelandra squarrosa is a striking plant with glossy green leaves and vibrant white venation. Yellow flower spikes contrast their graphic leaves in late summer but this plant is stunning addition as an indoor or greenhouse plant all year round.

Shop all Aphelandra or learn more about this genus here or family grouping here.

Current Pot Size: 100mm, 120mm
Synonyms: Zebra Plant
Origin: Brazil
Light: Bright indirect light, category 4 (please see our blog on plant light requirements)
Soil: Well draining, moisture retaining - Indoor mix (please see our blog on soil requirements)
Fertiliser: As directed on your fertiliser of choice. Fortnightly or monthly during the growing season (please see our blog on plant food)
Watering: Don't over water, whilst not letting the plant dry out completely. Let it dry to 60-80% before watering again. Do not sit in water.
Maintenance: They like humidity and to never dry out completely otherwise the leaves will become crispy. Cut back dry and dead flowers after they've bloomed.
Flowers: Yes, yellow/gold flower spikes emerge from the centre of the plant during Summer/Autumn and can last for up to 6 weeks, requires sufficient light to bloom. Once the bracts start to die back it is a good time to prune your plant and keep it compact.


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