
The Monstera may be one of the most famous genera known amongst all plant lovers new and old. Monstera deliciosa or "Fruit Salad Plant" is quite often the first plant that steals the hearts of plantophiles. Part of the Araceae family, there are 48 species of Monstera that have been identified. 

The humungous, glossy green leaves with holes that give it both the scientific name 'Monstera', Latin for "strange" and the the common name "Swiss Cheese plant" is a feature that while not exclusive to, is very distinct and iconic for most of the plants in this species. By developing holes or fenestrations as the plant matures, the large leaves are better equipped to withstand harsh elements such as heavy rainfall and wind as they let it pass through the holes without snapping or tearing the leaves. These holes also allow light to reach the lower leaves that would be shadowed by newer leaves if they had no holes. Some plants in the monstera species however have holes or splits in their juvenile stage (M. adansonii) while some only develop them when they are mature and secured by their aerial roots (M. siltepecana)

Monsteras make great indoor plants for the most part, their only down side is how large they can eventually get! Which, if you have the space is the best part of owning a monstera. Regardless of your space, plants in this species are usually pretty hardy and low maintenance. They have adapted to grow in a range of light conditions from low light to filtered light, as they naturally would grow from the dark forest floor and up a tree towards the canopy. Because of this growth habit, Monsteras do best when given something to climb. They prefer an airy, loose soil and don't like soggy roots, while their aerial roots may travel towards the soil they usually grip to trees where they receive sporadic moisture and plenty of air. Monsteras are not particularly prone to any pests and are rather hardy, the most common cause for issues in these plants is root rot from overwatering. Whilst they thrive in humidity they can tolerate periods of dryness and neglect.